Members Dashboard

Members dashboard provides you and your company with general statistics of your car part inventory and gives an overview of subscription and inventory statuses. 

Company Statistics

Once you upload an inventory to our platform, we can start tracking your listing search appearances and how often somebody sends an email to you through our platform. This data is reflected in the company statistics and can give you an idea of your inventory’s performance.

Search appearances

Whenever a listing appears in the search results, it counts as one search appearance. It does not necessarily mean that another member saw your listing. It only means that when a member searched for a car part, your listing was shown amongst the other search results when meeting the search criteria.

Being Contacted

Every time a member has compiled a message and pressed “Send Message”, it counts as one contact being made or “being contacted”. In simpler terms, we count car part requests sent to you through our platform. 


We cannot track emails you’ve sent directly from your email provider. Meaning you have copy-pasted the email address and compiled the email on your own. Neither can we track any phone calls made by our members.

Contact Rate

Contact rate= search appearances / being contacted x 100

Contact rate can give you an idea of how well your inventory is performing and whether it brings potential deals through our platform. To give you a better idea, we have calculated the average contact rate of the given time period (this month vs this year) and then compared it to the platform’s average.

You can also see the total number of search results compared to the total number of times of being contacted in the given time period.

Profile Views

Another way to see whether there is interest in your business is the profile views.

Company Profile Views

Every time someone clicks on your company’s public profile link, it is counted as one company profile view. You can see how many views you have gotten so far in the current calendar month and how many views you have gotten so far this year.

Both are compared to the average company profile views for all companies.

My Profile Views

Every time someone clicks on your public profile link, it is counted as one profile view. You can see how many views you have gotten so far in the current calendar month and how many views you have gotten so far this year.

Both are compared to the average profile views for all platform members.


The sidebar is dedicated to providing you with an overview of your account. 


Under profile, find direct links to your and your company’s public profiles. Additionally, you can see which contact information is available for the rest of the platform members.  

Subscription Status

All members can see the current subscription status of your company account. However, only admins can manage the subscription.

Inventory Status

Be always aware of your subscription limitations regarding your inventory and how many listings your company has. However, only admins can manage the inventory.

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