How to Contact Vendors

Once you have found a part you are interested in, you can contact the vendors through our platform. Your messages will end up in the supplier's mailbox. Otherwise, you are always free to call the supplier's main number or call directly to platform members.

In this article, find out everything about contacting vendors regarding specific car parts. Or watch our video guide:

Find the supplier's phone number and complete contact information by checking out their profile: 

Contacting One Vendor

To contact one vendor about one specific part, click on the email icon. 

Then the contact modal will appear, displaying the listing in question. Here you can adjust the message text if you wish to do so. 

We have already created an email signature including your name (+ link to your profile), the name of the company you represent (+link to the company profile), and your phone number and email address, so you don't have to.

Once your message is ready, click the Send Message button and await confirmation. Here's how your message will look to the receiver:

Contacting Multiple Vendors

You can send multiple messages to multiple vendors at the same time.

To do that, first, check all the checkboxes of the listings of your interest. Alternatively, you can double click on the row to make a selection.

Then press the Contact Selected button in the screen's left corner.

The contact modal will appear, listing all the parts you have selected.

Here you may adjust your message if you want. We have already created the email signature based on the information provided on your personal profile- your full name (+ link to your profile), name of the company you represent (+ link to the company profile), your phone number and email address.

Once ready, click on the send message button and await confirmation. Each vendor will receive a separate email and will not see who else you have sent your message to. Here's what the email could look like to the recipient: 

Replying to Emails

Replying to part request emails from is straightforward. If you have received a part request in your inbox from our platform and want to send a reply, all you need to do is press reply. Your response will be sent directly to the buyer's primary email address.

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