How to Search Parts

In this guide, we will dive deep into the platform’s search functionality and all the ways it is possible to search and filter car parts.

First, we will shortly go through all the search filters. Then we will guide you through how to translate car parts information into your preferred language.

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Search Filters

You can make use of multiple search filters. Here we go through all of them in detail.

Part Number

You can look up a part number by entering the OEM number with our without spaces:

You can expand your search by searching after the first characters of the part number:

Extensive Search

With extensive search, you may use keywords to find the part you need. When conducting an extensive search our system will go through the following columns of every listing:

  • Part number,
  • Part name,
  • Part description,
  • Manufacturer,
  • Car make,
  • and car model.


You can search for parts located in certain countries. Simply start typing the country (in Europe only) name, and the options will show up in the dropdown:


Are you looking for a specific company’s inventory? Then start typing part of the name and the available company names will be shown in the dropdown:

Now you can also access company’s inventory through the company search. Go to Search -> Company search:

Then choose whose company’s inventory you want to check out and click on the Auto Parts link found under the company info:

After clicking the link, you will be directed to the part search page displaying all the parts uploaded by Hanza Auto Dealership.


You can filter your search results by the manufacturer’s name. Start typing the manufacturer name you want to look for, and a dropdown with all the available options will show up:

Specifying the part’s manufacturer is optional for the seller.


Search for parts listed within a specific price range in euros. If a company has chosen not to list the price, then instead of the price you will see CALL meaning the seller wants to be contacted regarding the price. Listings with CALL will not appear when searching for items in a particular price range.

You can also use this filter to set the minimum or maximum price for the listing you are looking for:


Find car parts after one or multiple conditions:

  • FS (factory sealed),
  • NEW (Unboxed),
  • REF (Refurbished),
  • and USED.


Our platform predefines condition options, whereas sellers are free to use the grading system of their choice. Meaning A1 might not mean the same for two different companies. Therefore, we encourage our sellers to explain their grading system under the company profile. If the seller's explanation cannot be found, please make sure you understand their grading system before making a purchase.

If you want to find a part with grading B2, then simply type the keyword in the search field and all the options that include “B2” will show up in the dropdown:

Adding grading information is optional for the seller.


If the sellers want, they may specify whether the part comes with or without a warranty.

Select YES or NO to activate this filter:

Adding warranty availability is optional for the seller.

Freight Availability

Select YES or NO if you want to filter parts that include freight services offered by the seller:

Adding freight availability is optional for the seller.

Car Make

You can scale down the results by specifying the car’s make. Start typing the car make you have in mind and the available options will show up in the dropdown:

Car Model

When looking for the car model we recommend using this filter together with the car make:

Adding a car model is optional for the seller.

Car Year

Specify the year of the car. You can both select a certain year or a year range:

Adding car year is optional for the seller.


Specify the car’s mileage (in kilometres) by using this filter. You can select the minimum or maximum mileage or a particular range:

Has Image

And finally, you can choose whether you want to see listings only with or without pictures:

Removing Filters

To remove a filter, click on it and it will be deleted:

If you wish to remove all filters at once, you can click on the “Clear All Filters” button.

Otherwise, click on Search -> Part Search. That will refresh the part search page and remove all the filters.

Translating car part listings

Our suppliers can choose to keep items in their local language. However, that should not stop you from exchanging car parts across Europe. Luckily you can easily translate the search results by translating the whole webpage using your browser’s built-in translation features.

For browsers like Microsoft Edge and Chrome you must simply right-click on the webpage you want to translate and select the “Translate to English” option, for example, here’s how to do it in Chrome:

If you want to translate the page into another language, you can then go to the top of your browser window and the following icon should show up:

Click on it and find the button that leads you to more options:

Then click on the “Choose another language” option and make a selection:

Now the webpage is translated in the language of your choice:

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