How to Use Circular Parts API Using Our API Reference

In this guide, we explain how to use API reference with a client. You can choose from different client services but for this guide, we are using Postman.

Please follow our API reference accessible here:

Creating an endpoint for the call

To create an endpoint, we use the server address together with the function that we are calling. When checking out the API Reference you can see the list of functions available. Here we are using the search function to search for auto parts:

Authorization API is private for registered members only. Therefore, you must authorize before making any call. To authorize you need a Bearer Token that you get within our platform by navigating to Management > Token Management:

Bearer tokens are user based, therefore every user in your company has its own token. To get your token, please click on the “Create a new API token” button, and you will receive it by mail.

You can always renew your token by requesting a new one on this page.

To authorize choose the Bearer Token from the authorization type. Then copy-paste your token into the Token input field:

Great, now it is time to make a call!

Making a Call

When checking out our API Reference you can see that for the search function you have multiple parameters to choose from:

To send a request start by adding the keyword parameter, which is the only mandatory parameter. And then, under value, we add a part number:

Once ready, press the Send button. We can see that we succeeded, since the status shows 200 OK:

Status Responses

There are three status responses:

200 – Success.

401 – Unauthenticated. This error implies that you failed to authenticate. Please try again or get a new token.

429 - Too many requests. This error implies a spam attempt. We have defined a daily limit for how many requests can be sent.

For further information, please read our API reference.


Let’s try to find a specific part number using different parameters. We start by adding a part number:

I want to filter down all 282 results by defining a price range. So, I follow the API reference and add two new parameters with values. Then I press the Send button. As you can see, we now have two results:

Please note that some of the parameters have predefined values, for example:

  • Condition with values FS, NEW, REF, USED.
  • Warranty with values YES, NO.

Here’s an example:

That wraps up our guide. If you need any further assistance, please contact us by sending an email to or by calling directly to +45 97 40 50 00.

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