Part Search

Get an overview of parts search including all search filters and an explanation of available car parts listing information.

In this article you get an overview of the Parts Search page including all filters and how to understand car parts information. Read our How to Search Car Parts guide if you would like to know more about using the different filters.

See how to easily translate car parts information to English by using your browser’s built in translator functionality at the end of this article.

Searching by OEM Number

Car part search is always accessible on the top of the page- right next to the logo. To find a specific part try searching by entering an OEM number and clicking on the search icon.

Here's what the search results look like:

Another way of accessing the part search is through our navigation.

Searching With Filters

There's another way of searching through our platform- by using filters. When you access the part search through the navigation, all the parts that have been added to our platform are displayed. You can scale down the list and research parts this way by applying filters.

You can currently choose from many different filters. Here's the complete list:

  • Part number,
  • Extensive Search,
  • Country,
  • Company,
  • Manufacturer,
  • Price (Minimum price – Maximum price),
  • Condition,
  • Grade,
  • Warranty availability,
  • Freight availability,
  • Car make,
  • Car model,
  • Car year (Year from – Year to),
  • Mileage (Mileage from - Mileage to),
  • Whether the car parts have images or not.

Using multiple filters will narrow down the results according to your preferences:

Understanding Car Parts' Information

Car part suppliers can add different kinds of information about their parts.

Here's an overview of each column.

Part Number

We encourage all the suppliers to use OEM (Original Manufacturer Number) numbers for the part number column. 
A supplier can list multiple items with the same part number, but the difference is in other parameters, such as condition or price. Therefore, we have grouped them. Like in this example, we see two separate parts regarding condition, car make, model and year. However, they have the same part number:

Ctry (Country)

If you are looking for parts from a specific country, it is possible to use the country filter. Currently, it is possible only to find parts whose suppliers are in Europe.


You may have partnered with a couple of reliable suppliers who deliver car parts as advertised. For that reason, you can filter the search results by company.

Additionally, you can always check out the company's public profile to read more about them and their terms & conditions by clicking on the company name (the company profile will open in a new window).

Members Rating

Members can give each other ratings, which you can see when looking for parts. The rating can be from 0 to 5 stars. N/A means the member company has not received any ratings yet.

Qty (Quantity)

You can find parts offered in specific quantities.


All the prices are displayed in euros.

Suppliers can choose not to display their prices. When that's true, we show "call" under the price, indicating that the supplier wants to be contacted for the price.


At the moment, it is not possible to use categories for the parts. Therefore we encourage suppliers to use the name column to describe whether the part is a break disc, steering wheel etc.

Mfg (Manufacturer)

The supplier can mention the part's manufacturer.

Cond (Condition)

The supplier must mention whether the car part is:

  • FS – factory sealed,
  • NEW,
  • REF – refurbished,
  • USED.


The supplier can also add additional information about their parts’ condition by applying their preferred grading system. Since the grading systems may vary from country to country, we recommend you to check out the suppliers company profile for more information or to contact them directly with any questions you might have.


Adding images to the listings is optional. You can see the images in the search results when provided. In that case, you may click on the image icon to open the image gallery and view them.

VOW (Vendor Offers Warranty)

The vendor can mention whether a warranty is offered.

VOD (Vendor Offers Delivery)

The vendor can mention whether delivery is offered. 

Last Updated In Days

We want to ensure you have access to only updated information. Therefore, suppliers are required to update their inventory regularly. The last updated in days function shows how many days ago the particular listing was updated. Inventories older than 15 days are automatically hidden from your search results.


Suppliers can further describe the part if they wish to under the description column or add relevant comments about its condition. 


Mileage of the car that the specific part comes from in kilometres.


Car make of the car that the specific part comes from.


Car model of the car that the specific part comes from.


Car model year that the specific car part comes from.


Although we encourage all our suppliers to use English when describing their parts, they can still choose to keep them in their local language.

That should not stop you from doing business. Therefore, you can easily translate the webpage using your browser’s built-in translation features. 

For browsers like Microsoft Edge and Chrome you must simply right-click on the webpage you want to translate and select the translate option, for example, here’s how to do it in Chrome:

For other browsers please search on how to translate a webpage to English.

Contacting vendors

Once you are ready to get a quote about a listing or have questions for the vendor, you can quickly contact them. Select the parts you are interested in and click Contact Selected button to write your message.

Read more about contacting vendors in our How to Contact Vendors guide

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