Inventory Management

Inventory management allows company account admins to upload, delete, and update car part listings. Additionally, you can browse through your inventory if you wish to. In this article we go through the following tabs in detail:

If you want to learn how to upload inventory or update inventory, please follow these links.

Manage Inventory Tab

You can overview all your inventory within the platform in the manage inventory tab. 

It is possible to search listings and narrow down your results using filters. The available filters are as follows: asset ID, part number, condition, and name/description.

Additionally, most of the rows are sortable in ascending/ descending order, like in this example, where listings have been sorted by grade: 

Alternative Part Numbers

Car parts can have multiple part numbers. And one can never know which part number will be used by the potential buyer. Therefore, we've made it possible to list parts with alternative part numbers in our system.

So, if you have a door window for Golf 7 with three different part numbers, you can list all three of them and increase your chances of being found within the system.

To do that, you need to duplicate rows in you excel sheet, ensure the part keeps the same asset ID, and adjust the alternative part numbers accordingly. Read more about inventory upload here.

Once done, this is how the listings with alternative part numbers look when looking at your inventory.

Once you use a different asset ID, it automatically becomes a new listing, even if the rest of the information is equal.


It is up to you as a supplier to decide whether you want everyone else to see your prices or rather be contacted so you can provide potential customers with quotes. Therefore, if you wish, you can leave the price column empty, and members will see "call": 

Last Updated in Days

Our platform wants to provide its members with up-to-date inventories. Therefore, if you're going to sell through our platform, you must update your inventory regularly- once every 15 days.

To remind you of that fact, we have created a warning system. 

Orange – once you have not updated your listings for more than five days, the last updated day count becomes orange.

Red – once you have not updated your listings for more than ten days, the last updated day count becomes red.

Hidden Inventory


Once the inventory has become too old (last updated more than 15 days ago), it will be hidden from the search results.

You will get a reminder email five days before the inventory is hidden. Once hidden, you will also receive an email with an attached excel file containing all the hidden listings.

Delete Listings

At the bottom left corner of the screen, you can choose between deleting all listings or deleting selected listings:

Adding / Editing Listings Manually

Currently, it is not impossible to add or edit single listings manually. The only way to do so is through the .csv file upload.

Upload Inventory Tab

The upload inventory tab allows your admin to upload the CSV file with all your listings, access your FTP login data, and see the recently uploaded inventory file stats.

Inventory Upload

When uploading car part images, you must remember to upload them before the CSV file. Moreover, you must follow our guide to ensure the upload is successful. For that reason, you must toggle the buttons for Steps 1 and 2 before the CSV file upload and, in this way, confirm you have fulfilled them. Once ready, you can finally upload the CSV file.


You should wait for the images to be processed before uploading the CSV file.

When uploading images, it might take time for our system to process them, depending on how busy our servers are and the number of your pictures. We will send you a confirmation email once the image processing is finished, and you can move on with the CSV file upload.

Recent Update Stats

After your CSV file upload has been successfully done, you can check the upload status. Meanwhile, you get an email from us with more details about the invalid lines, so you know why these lines need to be fixed.

Here's the explanation of what the different information means.

Update Info Explanation
Total lines Number of rows our system has detected.
New listings Number of new listings.
Updated listings The number of listings that were already in your inventory, but some of their data has now been changed.
Removed listings Number of listings that were deleted since they were not present in the new CSV file (in comparison to what was already in our database).
Invalid lines The number of lines that were ignored by our system due to any data being uploaded wrongly according to our guidelines. The possible reasons are:
  •          Wrong data format,
  •          Any of the required data columns were not filled out,
  •          Any of the columns have exceeded the character limit

Invalid Lines Excel File

Here’s an example of the excel file received from stating all the invalid rows and indicating where’s the problem.

In the following example, the error occurred because of exceeding the character limit for the car model column:

Whereas here, the error occurs due to part numbers, which consist of the character “.”, which is currently not allowed in the system:

Please read our CSV File Requirements for more details.

FTP Login Info

The only way to upload images to your car part listings is by directly uploading image folders to our servers. You must use FTP software and FTP login information. After your company is registered to our platform, we create your FTP account, and here is where you can always access your login information.


Do not share this login information with anyone outside your organization.

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