How to Register allows registration of only legit companies located in Europe with valid VAT numbers. When registering on our platform, you must create a company account and a user profile. The first user profile, by default, is the company's admin. The admin status can be changed later on. 

The registration process can be divided into the following parts:

  1. Filling out the registration form & accepting our Terms of Service,
  2. Verifying your email address,
  3. verifies your company account,
  4. The first payment (unless you have chosen the plan with the free trial period).

Filling Out the Registration Form

The registration form consists of 4 steps:

  1. Choosing the subscription type,
  2. Creating the company profile,
  3. Selecting the company location on the map,
  4. Creating user profile & accepting our Terms of Service.

Choosing the Subscription Type

First, choose the subscription type that best fits your business needs. You are welcome to start with the Bronze plan, which is free for the first 90 days- we won't even require your credit card details.
To learn more about subscriptions, read our Subscription Management guide.

Creating the Company Profile

Second, provide us with your VAT number, company name and address to create a company account. When entering the VAT number, remember to add the country code. 

Company Contact Information

Company contact information will appear as your primary contact info for the rest of the members. You will receive car part requests, subscription invoices, and

other platform-related information through the company contact email. or other members can contact your business by the company's contact number.

Time Zone

You also need to select the time zone you are operating within. That’s to ensure other members can be more aware of your local time. 

Selecting the company location on the map

The third step is to select your company's location on the map. Having the correct location on the map will allow other members to find you easier. By default, the system uses the address you have already typed upon creating the company profile. So, if that's correct, you can jump on to the next step.

Creating user profile & accepting our Terms of Service

The final step of the registration form is to create your user profile. By default, the first user has an admin role and permissions. The admin can manage inventory, members, and subscription. You can read more about user roles within our  Subscription Management guide.

The user's phone number will also be available publicly for the rest of the registered and logged-in members. 

Additionally, you must create your login information and read & accept Terms of Service.

Email Address Verification

Before proceeding further, we need to verify your email address. Therefore, please check out your inbox and find the email from, then click on the  Verify Email Address button. The link will redirect you back to the platform. If you have not received the verification email, please check your spam folder.

Company Account Verification

Now we need to verify your company, which we do manually. Therefore, it might take up to one working day for us to verify it. Once verified, you will get a confirmation email with a link to the platform.


The last step is to make your first payment unless you have chosen the Bronze plan, which is free for the first 90 days. We use a third-party service Reepay to manage our payments.

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