Company Reviews

To ensure all companies are accountable and provide quality service we have developed a company review system.

Being a member of also means being part of a network of car part professionals. Trust and quality service are important for all our members. Therefore, companies have to be responsible and accountable for providing quality service. For that reason, we have created a member rating system, where members can provide ratings and reviews to registered companies.

The ratings including the reviews are available for all platform members.

To access and manage your company reviews please log in to your profile and go to Profile, then Company Reviews.

Other members can see your rating and reviews when looking at your company profile.

Company Reviews Tab

The company reviews tab provides you with all the reviews you have received- whether approved or not. 

After a review has been made public under your company profile you are still allowed to “Report Abuse” if you want to remove a review you disagree with or find unfair. You will have to provide us with an argument for why the review should be removed. Please note that we do not guarantee the removal of the specific review.

Pending Reviews Tab

Once a member posts a review about your company under the company profile you are given 7 days to approve or report the specific review.

Please note that you have 7 days to make a decision. After the 7th day, the review will be published automatically.

When logging in to the platform you can see whether you have received a pending review:

Where To Check Company Ratings & Reviews?

When looking for a car part you can always see the companies’ ratings:

Another way for finding ratings is to search for a company:

To find out more please click on the shortcut that leads to the company’s public profile:

Once you have the public company profile open please scroll down to the reviews section, which looks like this:

How To Leave a Review?

Find the company you want to leave the review for through the company search and click on the company name to open their profile in a new tab:

Then within the company’s profile scroll down until you find the review section:

Now, please provide a rating, the title of your review and the review itself. Try to be specific to provide a useful rating for the members.

You may also add an order reference if any. This information will not be published but will help the company receiving the review to better understand which order it refers to.

You may also recommend this company to others.

Once filled out it might look like this: 

Once ready please click on the submit button.

The company receiving a review will now have time to review your comment before making it public. 

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