How to Prepare Inventory File & Images (for Nemdele Members)

In this guide, we will explain how to easily convert your Nemdele inventory file so it can be uploaded to You can also use our scripts created specifically for Nemdele members to prepare your Nemdele car parts images.

If you are not familiar with the inventory file upload to we kindly suggest for you to read our guides first.

Part 1: How to Prepare Nemdele Inventory File

Sign in to our platform and go to the inventory management page. Then find the Prepare Inventory Files tab:

Now upload the Excel inventory file you got from Nemdele. Then select the desired options. Please note the selected options will apply to all car parts. Therefore, if you want to make changes, please make them after you have converted the Nemdele Excel file through this page.

Condition. Choose which type of condition your parts will have within our platform. This field is mandatory for, and you can choose from four options:

  • FS (Factory Sealed),
  • NEW (Unboxed),
  • REF (Refurbished),
  • USED.

Warranty. Please specify whether you offer a warranty for your parts. Vendor Offers Warranty (VOW) is an optional field. Therefore, you may also select N/A if you do not wish to provide this information.

Delivery. Please specify whether you offer delivery for your parts. Vendor Offers Deliver (VOD) is an optional field. Therefore, you may also select N/A if you do not wish to provide this information.

Price. In the Nemdele inventory file, you have three price columns- Pris1, Pris2, and Pris3. Please select which columns you want to use for pricing on our platform. Select CALL if you do not wish to display your car part prices.

Once ready, click on the Make Inventory File button. Now the system will create a new inventory file based on your options and automatically download it to your computer.

You can make further adjustments to the inventory file if you wish. Then upload this file to

Part 2: How to Sort Nemdele Images Using Our Script

If you have gotten your car part images from Nemdele inventory, you can use the advantage of our script files to prepare them for uploading to our platform. You will need PowerShell software, your Nemdele images, and our script files.

To find the script files, please go to Prepare Inventory Files tab under Inventory Management. Here you can download the script:

Before starting, please unzip the files into the folder where your Nemdele images are located:

For Windows

You have now downloaded two files for the script. Sort_nemdele_images.ps1 and sort_nemdele_images.bat. Right-click on the .bat file and click on the option "Run as administrator".

Once you have done that, the script will do everything for you and, in the end, delete itself. If something does not work, please ensure the script is in the same folder as the images that need preparation.

Image folders are now ready for upload to our FTP server:

For Windows, MAC, and Linux

For other operating systems, such as Mac and Linux, you need to use the PowerShell script file, sort_nemdele_images.ps1.

First, open the PowerShell software. If you do not have it already on your computer please download and install it for your device.

Then locate the script file and run it within PowerShell.

Once done, the script will delete itself, and the images will be ready for upload to Circular Parts FTP servers.

If you run into problems, please reach to us at and ask for team to help you remotely. We would be more than happy to help!

Uploading Part Image Links

Alternatively, you can add image links (stored online) to your inventory file. Please make sure these links have the right sharing options. In other words- these links must be accessible to everyone. Please find more information in the Inventory File Requirements article.

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