3. Upload Images to FTP Server

Time for uploading the images to the FTP Server! The first step is to open your FTP client software and connect to the FTP Server. Therefore, you need to find your company’s FTP login information.

If you prefer, you can watch this video guide on YouTube instead.

FTP Login Information

You can find the FTP login information in your Circularparts.com account. 
Sign in to Circularparts.com, go to Management > Inventory Management > Click on the Upload Inventory tab and find “Your FTP Login info.” You need to know the hostname, username, and password.

Connect to FTP Server

Open your FTP Client software. For this guide, we have installed FileZilla.
First enter the hostname, username, and password. Once ready, it should look like this:

Now click on Quickconnect to connect with the FTP server. 
When connecting for the first time you will have to accept the Circularparts.com server certificate. Please select the checkbox ”Always trust this certificate in future sessions” If you do now wish for it to pop up every time. Then press OK to confirm.

Once connected the FileZilla interface will look like this:

You can see four different panels:

Panel 1. Panel one is the hard disk on your local computer with all folders.

Panel 2. When selecting a folder in panel 1, you will see the files that it contains in panel 2. 

Panel 3. Panel three is the FTP server and its folders. Since the FTP server is empty, we cannot see anything here at the moment. 

Panel 4. And panel four- files within those folders.

Second, let’s locate our images.

To navigate through your computer please use panel 1.

Find the folder of your images. In our case we have saved the images on the desktop:

Please take note. You might store your images in a subfolder- just like in the example. Please remember you must not upload the subfolder directly to the FTP server. Instead, it would be best to open the subfolder until you see the list of all the image folders you want to upload. 

Only now you may select all the folders and upload them to the FTP server.

Upload Images to the FTP Server

First, you need to select all of the images. You can use Ctrl + A (Windows) or Cmd + A (Mac) to select all of the images at once:

Then right click and select Upload:

Wait for the upload to finish. If you have only a few image folders the upload will be done fast.

However, if you want to upload thousands of image folders a once, please read further on how to speed up the uploading process.

Once done this is how panels 3 and 4 might look like:

Uploading Thousands of Images to the FTP Server

Let’s who you an example when uploading a couple of thousands of image folders.

First, select all the image folders by using a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A (Windows) or Cmd + A (Mac).

Second, right-click and press Upload.

Now our suggestion for speeding up the process is to do the following:

  1. Disconnect from the FTP Server,
  2. And keep the FileZilla open until the upload has been finished.

To disconnect from the server you need to go to the FileZilla menu and find “Sever”. Then click on Disconnect.

As an alternative, you may use a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D (Windows) or Cmd + D (Mac).

Now we have disconnected from the server but the upload is continuing.

You may notice that the upload is faster than before. But it will still take some time- depending on the number of images, your internet connection speed, and the image sizes. You can look at the panel with Queued files to follow the uploading progress.

Congratulations! Now you have uploaded your images to the Circularparts.com FTP server. The images will be kept here for up to 72 hours, waiting for the inventory file.

If this is your first time uploading, please read the inventory file requirements first.

Otherwise, skip to the upload inventory guide

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